Thursday, August 28, 2008

Quick Delivery Services (courier)

Dear pals,

link to the courier services blogspot. thanks!


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Courier Services Within Singapore at low rates

Dear pals,

do u need to deliver gift or surprise someone.??
do u have a online company or retail outlet etc that requires u to meet up your client at certain meet up point.??

Could contact me at my email ...


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

ha...maybe batam instead of bali..

hmm ha bali not worth going ..ha..IPOH is my favorite now! cos heard from my ipoh friend says the food there veri nice...yeah!...

and ya for the batam trip (change of plan)...thinking of going to nongsa , batam view resort or go back to harris resort again..hmmm...thinking =)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

CHange of plans ..maybe sept end go ipoh and end of year go Bali

change plans....ha.

SUcks!!!! Cafe Cartel at PS! or at others too??!!??

Aiyo rarely go Cafe Cartel.. 4times in my life???
then recently went twice..cos near workplace and the friends think the food there quite nice..hmm...ya maybe ok..

but the cust svc charges are not worth being given cos they take super long for food to be served and paying bills take super long also....even being served by assistant manager also no use. ...two time i go one norm peak one peak hour also need to wait till i go counter....then the waiter waitress have to say sorry here sorry there due to delay.... bleah....lousy ..=(